i dono shld i be too happy or what.
cos i scared de thing is going to happen again soon...
so i can only say im relieved
that so far everything turned out fine.
unbelievable right??
i cant believe it myself at first too..
acctually im praying for a miracle to happen
to solve all these probs.
i did wonder if miracle exist...
and de next thing i know its solved.
but i think its only treading on ice..
its not so simple..
i can only pray hard that nothing like that happens again so soon.
i really dono what to do if it repeats again.
speaking de truth its de third time happening le.
rmbr de day last year when we were going to take out chinese Os paper?
i asked michelle they all not to pay for me de grad night $$ le
they asked me de reason...
and i cried..
thats de 2nd time it happened.
luckily i have great friends to persuade me to look on de bright side
thank you everyone who tagged and consoled me!
im really grateful.
really appreciated it.
now im just praying and praying..
it wont happen again..
i know im just bluffing myself
i myself knew that i will indeed happen again.
im just hoping that it wont be too soon...