yea yea yeahs. im here to officially announce dat exams are over!
wahahas. so happiee. =D
anyway just dropping by my blog for a few mins.
coz later have to go cook rice le.
just now came back frm school.
ate a quick lunch of maggi noodles.
den went to sleep. =)
den wake up vacumn de floor.
and clean de doors.
den online.
and i finally found time to go to superband website.
and found out how renfred's brother alfred look like.
erms. ok lahs. but renfred is more shuai. lols.
den went to watch jian gui 10[see ghost 10] dvd.
was shocked dat i didnt scream at all. hahs.
coz i merely just use my pillow to block those scary scenes.
tis made me rmbr dat time i went to watch sisters with my friends.
its oso a ghost movie.
and i scream like siao in de cinema.
and i cried too. cool bahs.
and i used my bag to block those scary scenes.
both ghost movie oso bout thai ghost story de.
ahh. okok. dun tok bout dat le.
anyway. i had a dream and wish dat is yet to be fulfilled.
which is my dream guy playing piano at de beach.
somemore he is playing my favourite songs.
whoa. sweet bahs. lols.
i told my friends.
some said its impossible coz where to find a piano at de beach.
some said its super romantic. hahs.
oso dono if will come true not.
okok. gtg cook rice le. bb.
ah yan signing off le...